Projects: Programming

Projects where I have done both the Backend and Frontend. For more infomation about any project visit the github page



I used to find it incredibly difficult to discover good books to listen to, as the categories were cluttered with nonsensical books. Moreover, having to repeatedly scroll past books I didn't want to read was tedious. That's why I created the Bookfinder page for myself, which has already saved me a ton of time and helped me discover some truly remarkable books.



Your climbing companion for creating climbing competitions. Create challenges, host competitions, and watch as the scoreboard updates whenever a new result is added. The backend and visitor interface are developed using Elixir, while the admin mode is crafted with React. My first project using a functional programming language

Song Of The Week


See what week it is and get a unique song while at it. I made this since i always need to lookup the current week and wanted to try FastAPI.

The Timeline Game


A web based game where you try to place items in the correct order Python, Django, REST Framework and React with Beautiful-Drag-N-Drop You can try it out at although it is still under development. Github:



A different kind of shopping-list app Works in 3-steps. 1, Choose what dishes you want to eat. 2, Check what ingredients you already have at home. 3, Go shopping with your newly generated list.

All Your Books Analyzed


Analyze your read books data from, just export out the CSV file containing your books and place in /books folder. More data such as book covers will use the API and the prices will be scrapped of Amazon

Be Right Back


A simple and quick way to put up an informative Away-message on your site. Works on any page as long as you can implement JavaScript code. The repo includes a sample js-file for configuration. Remove the message when you return or let the auto-removal do it for you.

Entropy Playground


An Interactive Visualization Of Entropy. This SvelteKit app aimed to make the fantastic concept of entropy more understandable by making the user in control of an simple entropy-system

Social Network


A Twitter looking social network service. A Django and Javascript project. Features: Users can post a own message or read other posts and follow other uses. Pagination for viewability as well as like and unlike posts. This was the fourth project in the in the Harvard cs50web course.

Graph and Compare Artists Albums


Using the Spotify API compare how any artist album compare to one and another. You can compare them in five different ways. I wanted the graph to actually be meaningful and be clear enough to easily see how the albums compare to each other. However, I later decided to make it much more versatile by making it possible to search for any other artist and to choose one of five different variables to plot.



A Django and Javascript project where users register and mail each other. Features: Send Mail, Read Mail, Reply Mail. See if mail is new or already has been read. Archive and unarchive mail. View inbox aswell as archived mail view This was the third project in the in the Harvard cs50web course.